My Side of the Car is the story of a girl finally going to the zoo with her father. On the way, it starts to rain, but the girl refuses to admit that the rain is falling on her side of the car. Funny little story, made all the more so by the author’s conversation with her father, the book illustrator, at the back of the book, revealing that the incident actually happened when the author was a little girl.“After we pass two stop signs and drive up a big hill, my dad says, ‘Sadie, what about now? It’s raining so hard on my side of the car that the windshield wipers are exhausted. Is it even sprinkling on your side of the car yet?’The rain from his side of the car made a puddle that splashed my side of the car, so I can’t see all the people…who I know are there, walking their dogs or riding their bikes or eating ice cream.I tell him, ‘No, it’s still not raining on my side of the car.’He keeps driving.”