A 1001 CBYMRBYGU. This is a children’s book? If a kid could read this book and get what the author was trying to say, then that kid is a wiser soul than I am. Here’s the plot, as best I can figure it: A girl walks to school each day and sees a cat. The cat talks to her. The cat is quite the philosopher. She tells the girl what she knows about the world. The cat makes the girl late for school and that causes the girl problems. There is also a mailman who is trying to find a wife and the Pug, a boy who lives in the apartment below the girl. I have no idea what this book is really about. If anyone knows, then please send a cat over my way to share it with me.“Eternity felt very big and very slow, especially when I couldn’t share it with the cat. The only thing that helped was the chain saw that Waldemar Buck used to carve up the afternoon. It wailed over the rooftops, and I imagined that with each wail a little piece of eternity fell from heaven.”