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Tracks: A Woman's Solo Trek across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback

Tracks: A Woman's Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback - Robyn Davidson Tracks has been sitting on my TBR mountain for over a year; I finally decided to start it yesterday when a book, From Alice to Ocean: Alone Across the Outback, arrived from the library. From Alice is composed of pictures taken by National Geographic photographer Rick Smolan accompanied by exerpts from Davidson's book. The pictures were awesome, but reading Tracks and trying to keep my place in From Alice was difficult; the writer and the photographer, though together for most of the trip, seemed to be miles apart in recording aspects of the trip that were intriguing. My favorite part of Tracks was the leg of the trip in which Davidson traveled with Aborigine elder Eddie. Davidson appeared to change dramatically during the time she spent with Eddie, becoming a more substantive person. Overall, I would say that I found Glamour's assessment of the book ("the women's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance") exaggerated, but the book, for me, provided a fascinating (and safe) look at a perilous part of the world.